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Hassall, John (1868 - 1948)

John Hassall original cartoon artwork

John Hassall was born in Kent and educated at Newton Abbey College, Devon and Neueheim College, Heidelberg. In 1895 he began working for the advertising agency David Allen & Sons. Hassall’s work ranged from theatrical and commercial poster design to greeting cards to children’s book illustrations. His best known and loved work was The Jolly Fisherman ‘Skegness is SO bracing’ poster, becoming embedded in popular culture. It was commissioned by North Eastern Railways to encourage visitors to the seaside town of Skegness. Hassall’s work was predominantly humourous, usually at music hall level and his designs were bold and brightly coloured giving his posters the character of large cartoons. His work epitomised a peculiarly English humour which had a direct appeal to all levels of society. Hassall became a popular cartoonist for numerous periodicals such as The Idler, London Opinion, Pearson’s Magazine and The Tatler. For many years he ran his own school of art. He was a member of RI, RWA and Arts, London Sketch and Savage Clubs. Hassall’s heyday was the Edwardian period, his theatrical posters covering the West End.