The lap of butchery
Only £375.00
Waterside workers in Port Kembla refused to load pig iron onto a ship, the Dalfram bound for Japan. Japan had joined Germany in an anti-communist pact. As Ted Roach, a wharfie communist union leader told the Joseph Lyons government: “We would be saying as we loaded each piece of pig iron, 'this will kill a dozen Chinese … this will be thrown back at us in Australia in the form of shells and bullets'." A Transport Workers Act had been introduced under which nobody could work as a wharfie in Port Kembla without a licence, and licences were only issued to those ready to work the Dalfram. Wharfies called the Transport Workers Act the Dog Collar Act.
Adolf Hitler Joseph Lyons original cartoon artwork.
Size 33cm x 25cm
Medium Brush and ink, blue wash on paper