Scott, Thomas Joseph B.1947
Tom Scott original cartoon artwork.
Scott was born in London in 1947 and emigrated to New Zealand with his family as an 18-month old. He has been a regular cartoonist, initially for the New Zealand Listener magazine, between 1984 and 1987 for the Auckland Star, and then for the Evening Post newspaper and its successor the Dominion Post, for most of his career. As a newspaper cartoonist, Scott often provoked New Zealand politicians and at one stage was banned from the press contingent for a considerable period of time by the Prime Minister of the day, the Right Honourable Sir Rob Muldoon, which naturally resulted in continuing astringent expressions in the press by Scott. He has won numerous awards, including the Qantas Awards for New Zealand Cartoonist of the Year (five times), Columnist of the Year, and Political Columnist of the Year (three times).