Runtz, Vic (1922 - 2001)
Vic Runtz was the editorial cartoonist for the Guardian-Patriot newspaper, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. In his book, Rundz said "Cartoons like the newspapers which carry them, are 'here today'. They are destined to wrap tomorrow's fish. Yet, looking back, we discover that much of yesterday and the yesterdays before remains here today." Runtz went to work at the Bangor Daily News as their cartoonist. After he had spent 25 years there, the University of Maine produced a book on his cartoons called "Here today ...".
Rundz always included a Cat in his cartoons. He refferred to him as his "fellow traveller" as he called him and described him in the foreward of his book as "... a spry little cat in a sporty bow tie. At 35 he keeps up best he can, always putting in an appearance...".